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Simple Template Engine

Simple template Engine separates the presentation layer from the application logic, making it easier for developers to create and maintain web pages.

Simple Template Engine

We are providing a web framework that can dynamically generates HTML @city@, @state@ , @country@ or other markup languages by combining templates with data,
Mascot India ,@city@, @state@ A simple template engine is a tool that allows developers to create dynamic and maintainable web pages by separating the presentation layer from the application logic. It includes features such as template tags, data binding, conditional statements, iteration (loops), inclusion of other templates, filtering and formatting, escaping, whitespace control, extensibility, error handling, comments, and template inheritance.simplifying the creation and maintenance of web pages.

Templates: Templates are files or strings that include placeholders or template tags representing dynamic content.

Template Tags:Template tags are markers within templates that indicate where dynamic content should be inserted.

Data Binding:Template engines bind data to template variables, replacing placeholders with actual values.

Conditional Statements:Template engines often support conditional statements to control the rendering of content based on data.

Inclusion of Other Templates:Templates can include or extend other templates, allowing for code reuse and modular design.

Filtering and Formatting;: Template engines often provide filters or formatting options to modify the presentation of data.

Commenting::Comments allow developers to add explanatory notes directly within the template code.

Error Handling:: Template engines may include error handling mechanisms to handle cases where template variables are missing or have unexpected types.

 Simple Template Engine
 Simple Template Engine

Simple Template Engine

Simple template Engine

 Simple Template Engine

Extensibility:Simple template engines are often designed to be extensible, allowing developers to define custom filters, functions, or syntax.

Whitespace Control: Some template engines offer features to control whitespace in the rendered output for better readability.

Extensibility:Simple template engines are often designed to be extensible, allowing developers to define custom filters, functions, or syntax.

Error Handling:Template engines may include error handling mechanisms to handle cases where template variables are missing or have unexpected types.

Commenting:Comments allow developers to add explanatory notes directly within the template code.

Template Inheritance:Template inheritance allows the creation of a base template with placeholders that can be overridden in child templates, promoting a consistent layout.

Escaping: To prevent security vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), template engines typically include automatic escaping of user-generated content.

Iteration (Loops):Template engines allow for the iteration over lists or arrays, repeating a block of content for each item.

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